What is Feral Mysticism?
Mysticism is an ancient relational pathway to connect with the ineffable, and plays an instrumental role in the forming and deforming of the world. Not restricted to the human realm of experience, mysticism invites all manner of life into expanded states of consciousness that widen awarenesses and shape living narratives. In it's deepest sense, mysticism is the devotional practice of listening. Tuning our inner ear to the pulsations and incantations of life, we come face to face with divine mysteries that irrevocably change us. It's an embodied and receptive kind of listening that makes a person capable of being irrevocably changed by what is being listened to and for.
Rather than seeking union with a disembodied god, Feral Mysticism is rooted in practices, rituals and ceremonies that are interdependent and co-creative across species and cosmos. What we find is an intelligence that springs from an ever-fluxing web of intra-connectivity made of bacterial, fungal, floral, reptillian, mammalian and aquatic agents within the fundamental nature of humanity.
Feral Mysticism blurs the conceptual edges of domesticity and wildness by honoring the multi- and eco-plicitious nature of each person. Confronting well-worn narratives Feral Mysticism conspires with ancestral, ecological, and cosmic forces that prepare a person for initiatory experiences. Experiences that support trans-formation through the altering of a person's shape and nature. A hybridic nature capable of dancing with increasing complexity, and equipped with curiosity and unforeseen ways of understanding the world and these times we are living.